
2009 predictions

2008 was a year of completion, endings and closure. It was a time for us to review everything in our life that was not working for us, meaning that was not bringing us joy, peace and abundance, and choosing transformation instead of resentment, fear, despair and hopelessness. If this was a difficult year it was because many of these issues came up at the same time. This was not a punishment from the Universe, but a clarion call for us to prepare, clear, heal and release to move into new dimensions of being. We have said that this is what we wanted, we have asked for release from our karma and the blocks to our abundance, and that is what we received.

2008年是一個完成、終結與收尾的年份, 那是一個讓我們回顧並檢視生命中所有行不得通的一切的時間點, 而那行不通的部分, 也就是那無法帶給我們喜悅、平安與豐盛的一切, 並選擇蛻變、轉化替代怨恨、恐懼、沮喪與絕望。如果這一年很艱困, 那是因為這許多議題在這一年同時出現。這不是宇宙給我們的懲罰, 而是響亮的呼喚, 要我們準備自己、淨化、療癒與釋放, 以便移入新的存在次元。我們曾說這是我們所想要的, 我們請求由業力中得到釋放, 釋放對豐盛的障礙, 而那就是我們所收到的一切。

With 2009, we have arrived. This is a year of 11 vibration, which has not occurred since 1901 and 1910. Everyone is at a point in their evolution where they have to choose the path they wish to take. For some this will be an easy choice, one that they are prepared for and know what they wish to do. For others, more healing work is necessary and they will be experiencing the results of their life choices in ways that may seem more challenging or difficult than ever before. They will be going through what many of us have gone through for the past ten or more years, but in a condensed way because the old vibrations are being moved out to make way for the higher vibrations.

我們已經來到了2009年。這是一個振動頻率為11(2+0+0+9)的年份, 自從1901和1910年以來, 這個頻率不曾出現過。每個人都來到一個演化的關鍵點, 必須選擇他要走的道途。對某些人而言, 這是很容易的抉擇, 他們準備了很久, 也知道自己要選哪條路。但對另一些人而言, 他們需要更多的療癒工作, 並且他們將會經驗自己生命方向的選擇後果, 而那可能會比之前更具挑戰性或更加的艱困。他們會以濃縮的方式經歷我們之中的許多人過去十多年所經歷的那些, 因為舊的頻率要被移除, 讓較高的頻率進入。

Anyone who is holding dense, third dimensional energy is going to feel pressure to release this energy and adopt a higher vibration. The new vibrations do not replace the old without our consent, moving into higher vibrations is a choice that everyone must make. The universe will provide many opportunities for those who have not yet made this choice to do so.

任何持有舊有沈重三次元能量的人, 都會感到有壓力必須要釋放那些舊的能量, 而接受更高的頻率。除非我們同意, 否則新的頻率不會取代舊的頻率, 移入更高頻率是每個人都必須要做出的選擇。宇宙將會提供許多機會給那些尚未做出此一選擇的人來做出這個選擇。

Energetic Portals


The mass infusion of energies we experienced in 2007 and 2008 will be replaced with more focused, concentrated energies. We will experience four new portals in 2009:

我們所在2007和2008年經歷的大規模能量灌注將被更集中、更聚焦的能量所取代, 我們將會在2009年經歷四個新的能量門戶。

February is the portal of aligning with truth. This portal was created in December and it will continue to expand through February 2009. Anything that does not resonate with the truth will be revealed on all levels. This is a portal of integrity, of being aligned with spiritual truth. Anyone who has not done their healing and clearing work will have opportunities to do so. You may feel this shift as a strong sense of betrayal or loss, but that is because those aspects of your material truth are being released.

二月是與真相/真理/真實進行連結/校準的能量門, 這個能量門於2008年12月被創造出來, 他會一直持續的擴展直到2009年2月。任何不與真理共振的所有事物, 將會在所有層面中都被揭露出來。任何還沒做好療癒和清理工作的人都將有機會去完成這些工作。你可能會感覺到這次的替換帶來一種強烈的被背叛或失落的感覺, 但這是因為你在物質界中那些面向的真理正在被釋放的緣故。

June is the portal of power, where you will understand the difference between material and spiritual power. The world experience lessons in power, how power is used and what it is used to create. You may feel more powerful in this time as you recognize your gifts and have opportunities to use them. Others will experience this as a loss of power as they learn to align with their true source of inner power and any external power sources will be removed. They will have an opportunity to experience this portal through fear or through love. 

六月是力量的能量門, 你將會明白物質和靈性力量之間的差異。這個世界會經歷有關如何使用力量與要用力量來創造什麼的課題。當你認出自己的天賦, 並有機會去使用這些天賦時, 你會感到自己更加有力量。其他的一些人將會經驗失去力量的狀態, 藉此他們學習去跟他們內在力量的真正源頭進行校準與連結, 而外在的力量源頭也將會被移除. 他們將會有機會以恐懼或愛來經驗這個能量門戶。

October is the portal of serenity, where you will experience a peace such as you have not known before. This peace is available to everyone who can connect to it. With each of these portals you will notice greater distinctions between the vibrations and light that people carry. The world may appear to be in chaos but you will be in peace. Stay within your center, your connection to Source and your light.

十月是寧靜的能量門, 你將會經驗到從未有過的平安與安寧。任何能與這能量門戶連結上的人都可以經驗到那平安。隨著這些能量門戶的開啟, 你會注意到人們攜帶的光和頻率間有著越來越大的差異。世界看來可能是一片混亂, 但你將會在平安之中。讓你自己停留在中心, 讓你與源頭和光始終連結著。

December is the portal of preparation for the vibrations of 2010 and for a new clearing cycle. This may include earth changes which do not need to manifest in destructive ways. Parts of the earth have agreed to receive those who need additional healing work, there will be a noticeable separation between those who have completed their work and those who have additional work to do.

十二月的能量門戶是為了2010年與新的淨化周期來做準備。這可能會包括地球的轉變, 但那並不需要以毀滅的形式來發生。部分區域的地球已經同意去接收那些需要額外療癒工作的人, 在那些已經完成他們的療癒工作的人, 與仍有額外療癒工作需要完成的人之間, 將會有明顯的分離/分群。(仍需要療癒的人將會被移到地球的某些特定區域)

Earth Changes

The earth mirrors the vibrations of its human family. Many areas of the earth will begin to change, new plants and animals will be discovered in areas where they have not appeared before. Any area that needs clearing will be cleared at this time, including more fires and floods. This is a purging process that is clearing old energies. These changes will also include the energies of people who live there. Those whose energies are not in alignment with those of an area will move of their own accord. They will be directed to areas where they will have access to energies that allow them to complete their healing work. Any Lightworker who has been in a place where they have been holding energy will be directed to a new area that is more aligned with their vibration.

地球反映了他的人類族群的頻率, 地球的許多區域將會開始改變, 新的植物與動物將會在那些他們從未被發現的區域被發現。任何需要淨化的地區都會在這時被淨化, 這包含了更多的大火和洪水, 這是一種洗滌舊有能量的過程, 而這種改變也包含了那些居住在那些區域的人們的能量, 那些在能量上無法跟他們所在區域的人們對準的人, 將會自行移居到他處, 他們會被引導到能夠讓他們接近並使用那些能夠讓他們完成他們的療癒工作的能量的區域。任何為某個區域持守能量的光行者, 也將被引領至與他的頻率更相合的新區域。

New Partnerships

The new energies of 2009 also create new partnerships opportunities for we will be aligning with partners whose energies match ours. We can choose to enter partnerships for healing but we do not have to. There is a new partnership paradigm being created, one that is a blending of energies to create a true sharing and soul level commitment to unconditional love and joy. The old paradigm of karmic driven relationships is still available but we do not have to choose it. Lightworkers will find partners who mirror their vibration and can choose to allow others to heal their soul mates from previous lifetimes. The kindred spirit is the new paradigm for relationships and with kindred spirits there is no karma, no healing required.

2009年的新能量也創造出新的夥伴關係的機會, 我們將可以對準那些與我們能量相符合夥伴。我們可以為了療癒而選擇進入關係, 但卻並非必須如此。一種新的關係範型已創出, 這範型融合能量創造出真正的共享, 與靈魂層次對於無條件的愛與喜悅的承諾。舊有的業力驅動關係範型仍然是存在的, 但我們不需要選擇它。光行者將能找到反映他們頻率的伙伴, 並且能選擇允許其他人去療癒他們前世的靈魂伴侶。同質性的靈魂連結就是新的關係範型, 在同質的靈侶之間, 沒有業力, 也不需要療癒。

A Year of Miracles

2009 is the year of the miracle vibration, an opportunity to be aligned with Divine Truth, to be aligned with your new soul purpose, which is beyond healing and growth. Each of us has an opportunity to be in a new vibration, to live in joy, peace and unconditional love. Everyone has this opportunity and it will be presented in different ways to them. This is a year of instant manifestation with the conscious use of our power. It is the end of a lifetime cycle for many lightworkers and the beginning of  a new one that is centered in power, not healing, in forward movement, not holding energy for others, and in peace.

2009 是奇蹟頻率的一年, 是一個和神聖真理連結的機會, 去連結你那超越療癒和成長的新靈魂目的。我們每個人都有機會進入新的頻率, 活在喜悅、和平與無條件的愛之中。每個人都有這個機會, 並且他將以不同的方式呈現給每個人。這是當你有意識的使用你的力量時, 會快速顯化的一年。對於許多光行者而言, 這是一個生命循環的終點, 也是一個焦點對其於力量而非療癒的全新階段的開始, 在這階段中, 是不斷的往前進展, 而非為別人持守能量, 並且是一個平安的階段。

Peace on earth

There can be peace on earth and this year will provide many examples for the family of humanity to choose peace. It may seem that there are more wars and chaos but they are opportunities for humanity to come together and to choose peace. Those who promote war will find no support for their efforts as soldiers lay down their arms in peaceful protest against fear, domination, aggression and fighting.

和平可以存在於這地球上, 這一年會為人類群體提供許多選擇和平的例子。雖然似乎有需多戰爭和混亂發生, 但那都是讓人類變的團結, 並且選擇和平的機會。當軍人在和平的主張中放下武器, 並抗拒恐懼、支配、侵略與戰爭時, 那些贊同並助長戰爭的人們將發現不再有人支持他們的努力。

The End of Time

This year it will seem that time moves faster than ever because the third dimension, where linear time exists, is losing density and blending with higher vibrations, where linear time does not exist. We will understand that time is a continuum, each moment is a blend of the past, present and future and that the past exists as an energy that we can choose whether or not to connect to. Being in the flow of Universal energy is the new definition of time. When you are out of the flow it will feel like time drags; when you are in the flow you will have the feeling of being outside of time, because you are.

今年的時間將似乎過得比以前更快, 這是因為線性時間所存在的第三次元正在失去它的密度, 並且逐漸的與更高的頻率混合, 在那較高的頻率中, 線性時間是不存在的。我們將會了解時間是一種連續體, 每一個剎那都是過去、現在與未來的融合體, 所謂的過去, 只是一種我們能夠選擇是否與他連結的能量形式存在體。新的時間定義是與宇宙的能量流同在, 如果你不在這宇宙能量流之中, 會感到時間在拉著你走, 但若你在此能量流中, 你將會有種處於時間之外的感覺, 因為你真的在那之外。 

The Year of the Light Beacon

Much will be happening in 2009 and each month will bring new opportunities for healing to the world. There will be more interest in spiritual matters as people seek answers and solutions to their confusion and distress as their ties to the material world are dissolved. It will be the year of the Lightworker, except that will change because we are now Light beacons—our work of healing others, of carrying the light for them and the planet, is finished. Now we merely have to shine our light from a position of joy, abundance and love, and allow others to find it.

2009年將會有很多事發生, 且每個月都會為這個世界帶來新的療癒機會。隨著人們與物質世界的繫節開始消解, 他們將開始尋找對於他們的困惑、沮喪與悲傷的答案與解決之道, 並且將對於靈性的事物與議題更加的有興趣。這將會是光行者們的一年, 除了那些將會改變的事物以外(光行者們不需要再繼續進行的事物), 因為我們現在是光的燈塔(Light beacons), 過去我們療癒其他人、為人類和地球的工作已經結束了。現在我們僅僅需要將我們的光由一種喜悅、富足與充滿愛的狀態中照耀出去, 並且允許其他人去找到他。

Happy 2009, many blessings to each of you for an abundant, joyful, miraculous year.

2009年新年快樂, 將許多的祝福帶給你們每一位, 願你們都有著豐盛、喜悅而充滿奇蹟的一年。

Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman and  Archangel Uriel

Jennifer Hoffman 與 大天使烏列爾
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